To provide the strongest foundation for every child’s future
Priority 1 - Quality of Education
Continue to embed the revised Windsor curriculum for all learners - planned and sequenced
All staff to be self reflective and engage with peer monitoring to continuously develop as a learning community
Access training for all staff to ensure a high knowledge base linked to our pedagogy and curriculum delivery
Success criteria: what it will look like when we have achieved our aim:
All staff who are secure in their pedagogy and the delivery of the Windsor Curriculum
Priority 2 - Behaviour and Attitudes
Enhance attendance monitoring to ensure that children are receiving their offer and positive attendance routines established
Provide high levels of pastoral support to ensure parents are working in partnership with the school
Extend children’s strategies to manage their emotions and support self regulation through physical and sensory play.
Success criteria: what it will look like when we have achieved our aim:
All children will demonstrate high levels of engagement and improved attendance. Parents are highly engaged and supportive.
Priority 3 – Personal Development
Re-establish the consistent use of the forest school space
Wellness walks prioritising staff and pupil well being and links to pastoral support.
Engage in annual cycle of growing and cooking
To extend opportunities for children to engage with the local community, organisations and initiatives
Success criteria: what it will look like when we have achieved our aim:
High levels of well being and heightened awareness of where children belong in their community
Priority 4 – Leadership and management
Ensure full use of the buildings capacity to generate further income and remain sustainable.
Recruitment of a further SLT member to support capacity with large SEND/ Safeguarding caseload
Support the city wide SEND agenda
Growing staff through robust supervision and access to broad and relevant continuous professional development.
Success criteria: what it will look like when we have achieved our aim:
School remains financially sustainable and able to offer new government initiatives
SLT able to support children, Families and staff with the complex variety of circumstances
Highly skilled staff team who are confident to deliver the curriculum and meet the holistic needs of children.