Join our School’s Governing Board – Become a Parent Governor!
What is the Governing Board?
The Governing Board is a group of unpaid volunteers who support the Headteacher in running the School. We meet regularly to discuss children’s progress and results, acting as “critical friends” to the Headteacher, in order to improve the School’s performance. This means that we challenge the Headteacher by asking important questions about what the School is doing to help pupils achieve their full potential. We help the Headteacher manage the School’s budget, by ensuring that money is spent on improving outcomes for our pupils.
What Does a Parent Governor Do?
As a Parent Governor you will be able to give us the point of view of parents. Being a Parent Governor does not mean that you get involved in other parental disputes/complaints towards the School, although as Parent Governor you can advise them on how to follow the School’s Complaints Procedure. Being a Parent Governor means allowing the voice of parents to be heard, without feeling like you must vote on a decision based on their views. You must put forward your own opinion on a decision to be made by the Governing Board.
As Parent Governor, you will be expected to:
• Make yourself known to other parents
• Attend short training sessions paid for by the School
• Listen to concerns and point them in the direction of the School’s Complaints Procedure
• Support us in improving the education of all our pupils (i.e. not just your child(ren))
• Play an active part in Governor meetings
• Be enthusiastic about our School and the education of all our pupils
Do I have the time to spare?
When you join our Governing Board, we will ask you if you want to be a member on any of our Committees. If you do, this will mean further time spent in meetings.
• Gaining an insight into how the School is managed
• Developing your knowledge of finance
• A sense of satisfaction through knowing children will benefit from your efforts
• The opportunity to develop new skills and to strengthen existing ones
• The opportunity to work with new people from different backgrounds
• The opportunity to gain awareness of the education system
Attending courses allows you to meet like-minded people, enhance your knowledge of important issues for schools, and ultimately allows you to feel more confident in your role.
And Finally… It is normal for you to feel unsure or nervous about applying. Once you have attended your first meeting, you will see that our Governors are a friendly group of people who simply have our pupils’ best interests at heart.
If you have any other questions, please give us a call on 01902 558128.